Career Development Series
This series is run by Dr. Erin Lake and picks up where general career development resources at HSPH and GSAS leave off, providing focus that is specific to our students in biostatistics, health data science, computational biology and quantitative genetics. Alumni and colleagues from academia, industry, nonprofits, health tech, business, policy, and beyond, visit with our students throughout the year to share insights and experience, and thus contribute to the vital knowledge-experience continuum between our department and the broader field. If you are interested in joining us as a guest speaker, or have ideas regarding this series, please contact Dr. Erin Lake and/or enter your ideas via this sheet.
RSVP to Attend Lunch RSVP to Attend Lecture/Reception
Lagakos Alumni Award Lecture Lunchtime Career Chat w. Dr. Andrea Foulkes, ScD ’00 Thursday, October 13 | 1:00-2:00pm EST | Biostats Conference Room (Bldg 2, Rm 426)Lunchtime Career Chats are specifically designed to be informal, career-based discussions with our award and colloquium speakers. Students and postdocs might not otherwise have access to these career-focused discussions with our department guests, since the award seminars are research-focused. These professionals are coming from academic, government, industry and other sectors and are a wealth of knowledge and experience!
Please join our Lagakos Awardee, Dr. Andrea Foulkes to hear about her own career path, as well as insights and advice she has for students and postdocs. Don’t miss the lecture and reception later in the day starting at at 4pm.
Offerings from the HSPH Office of Career and Professional Development or the GSAS OCS:- Data Analytics, Science, and Tech Fair: Friday, Sept 30 | 1:00-4:00 | SOCH in Cambridge