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April 11

Building a Learning Health System: the VA-CAUSAL Enterprise (19th Kolokotrones Symposium)

Flyer for event with blue background
HSPH, Kresge G1, Snyder Auditorium
677 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA United States


10:30 am 3:00 pm

Event Type

Conferences and Symposia, From Around the School

CAUSALab is thrilled to invite you to the 19th Kolokotrones Symposium at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health!

This hybrid symposium celebrates the 100th anniversary of research for our VA-CAUSAL collaborator, the VA Office of Research & Development.

“Building a Learning Health System: the VA-CAUSAL Enterprise” will explore how VA-CAUSAL may serve as a helpful model for future learning health systems. Speakers will describe the program infrastructure, research use cases, and policy implications. The symposium will conclude with a panel discussion on the future of research to build learning health systems.

VA-CAUSAL is a causal inference research initiative within the U.S. Veterans Health Administration. The goal of VA-CAUSAL is to help transform the VA into a learning health system that expedites the translation of research into practice and supports decision-making by patients, clinicians, and other stakeholders to improve health.

Featured symposium speakers to be announced.

Event information including directions and building access will be sent directly to registered in-person attendees in the weeks leading up to the event. Zoom link will be distributed to all virtual attendees the week leading up to the event.

Speakers’ remarks are based on their own scholarship and experience. As such, they speak for themselves, and not for Harvard, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), or the United States government.
