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Quantitative Biomedical Research Center

The Quantitative Biomedical Research Center (QBRC) at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health under the Department of Biostatistics supports the biomedical research community. QBRC provides large scale biomedical data mining, management, pattern recognition, and research software engineering (RSE) support to scientists in the Harvard research community and beyond.

Phone 617-432-8963

677 Huntington Ave.
Building 2, Room 410
Boston, MA 02115

Genomic Data Analysis

We offer a wide range of standardized, easy-to-use standard Next Generation Sequencing data analysis processes and pipelines for everything from small In Vitro discovery experiments to large consortium scale efforts with hundreds or thousands of samples. We also offer consulting on experimental design strategies prior to sequencing. Analyses include:

  • Germline/Somatic Mutation Analysis
  • Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis
  • Bulk RNA-Seq
  • Small RNA-Seq
  • ChIP-Seq

We can work with labs, sequencing centers, or other CROs to assist with downloading, management, processing, and customized analysis development. With expertise in bioinformatics, machine learning, and research software engineering, we can offer assistance with all aspects of post-assay computational work, including development of visualization tools and interactive applications for distribution of data and discovery.