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October 2023 Lab Updates

It is bittersweet to say farewell to Lisa, who is moving to the Netherlands where she will continue her work as a physician. We are grateful for all the work that Lisa has pioneered in the lab on serum resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. We will miss you! We also welcome Eric Vickers, a rotation student from the Biological Sciences in Public Health Program! Congratulations to Kirstin, Maddy, Mui, and QinQin, who presented their work at IDWeek! Congratulations to Kirstin on her new publication, Estimating changes in antibiotic consumption with the introduction of doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis in the United States in press at Lancet Microbe. Congratulations to Stephen on his new publication, Viral kinetics of sequential SARS-CoV-2 infections. Congratulations to Stephen and Kirstin on their new preprint, Drivers of geographic patterns in outpatient antibiotic prescribing in 2 the United States.

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