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HBNU Fellows and Alumni

The HBNU Fogarty Global Health Fellowship is proud to showcase the remarkable individuals who have participated in our program since its inception in 2017. Our current fellows and alumni represent a diverse and dedicated community of researchers, clinicians, and public health professionals committed to addressing some of the world’s most pressing health challenges.

Organized by cohort year and then alphabetically by country, the directory below highlights each fellow’s contributions, including their position (U.S. pre/post-doctoral, Fulbright, or LMIC postdoctoral), the country of their training, their research site, and the focus of their project.

We invite you to explore the achievements of our fellows and alumni, whose work reflects the program’s mission to train and empower the next generation of health leaders. Their research spans critical areas such as HIV/AIDS, noncommunicable diseases, mental health, maternal and child health, and nutrition, driving innovation and meaningful change in global health.

Current Fellows (2024-2025)

NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
 Shea LittlepageFulbright-Fogarty ScholarEthiopiaAddis Continental Institute of Public HealthData Use, Policy Diffusion, and Global Health Governance: Lessons from COVID-19 in Ethiopia
 Hannah StonerFulbright-Fogarty ScholarEthiopiaAddis Continental Institute of Public HealthAssessing the Health Impact of Micronutrients and Toxic Metals in Rural Ethiopian Communities
 Faith AgbozoGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaType II diabetes mellitus following exposure to gestational diabetes in pregnancy
 Katie FarkouhFulbright-Fogarty ScholarGhanaUniversity of GhanaKlebsiella pneumoniae Respiratory Carriage among Children with Sickle Cell Anemia in Accra, Ghana
 Josiane FofanaU.S. Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaInvestigate the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the development of insulin resistance in People Living with HIV
 Sonia TanejaU.S. Postdoctoral FellowIndiaPublic Health Foundation of IndiaParents as Youth Allies supporting Recovery (PYAR): Developing a Family-Centered Psychosocial Intervention to Engage Youth in HIV Care and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder for Young People Who Inject Drugs in India
 Idiatou DialloU.S. Postdoctoral FellowMaliUniversity of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of Bamako“What is the Connection Between Psychotic Experiences and Sleep in Mali?” Understanding Psychotic Symptoms and Sleep Disturbances in A Low-Resource Setting: A Mixed-Method Inquiry
 Mohamed TolofoudieMali Postdoctoral FellowMaliUniversity of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of BamakoNon-invasive diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-Infected children using tongue swabs in Bamako, Mali
 Margaret AkinwaareNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of IbadanEffect of digitalized antenatal education on prevention of mother-to-child transmission and birth outcomes among pregnant women living with HIV
 Kolawole AkandeNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of IbadanCharacterization of Novel Biomarkers in African Patients with chronic hepatitis B with or without HIV co infection (CNAP-HBV/HIV STUDY)
 Priscilla AmehNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalHuman Papillomavirus genotypes in the oral mucosa of HIV-positive pregnant women in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
 Fatima DamagumNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaAminu Kano Teaching HospitalFemale Sexual Dysfunction Among Women with Diabetes: Burden, Correlates, and Treatment Modalities
 Srinithya GillipelliFulbright-Fogarty ScholarPeruUniversidad Peruana Cayetano HerediaUnderstanding Maternal and Child Health in Indigenous Communities of Peru
 Phillip HsuU.S. Postdoctoral FellowRwandaUniversity of Global Health EquityADEPT – Advancing District hospital Experience in Pediatric surgery through Training of trainers
 Andrew HaleU.S. Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownCerebral organoids as a model for genetic and acquired hydrocephalus
 Tumelo MoshoetteSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of KwaZulu NatalCharacterizing antibody responses directed towards vaginal microbiota in South African women
 Peter KaroliTanzania Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesDietary and physical activity knowledge and practices to reduce cardio-metabolic risk factors among people living with HIV in Dar es Salaam
 Grace KansiimeUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyOutcomes and healthcare needs of patients with HIV and kidney disease in Uganda
 Winnie KiboneUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyNavigating Dual Diagnoses: Lived Experiences of Individuals Living with Sickle Cell Disease and HIV in Uganda
 Dorah NampijjaUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyImproving heart failure self-care with short, structured telephone calls (HEART-CALLS) in Uganda
 Moses OchoraUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyRUNYA-PHIV: Rural Uganda Neurocognitive Youth Assessment with Perinatally acquired HIV


NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
Akua ForsonGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaDetermining and exploiting the microbial assemblages of Anopheles mosquitoes breeding habitats for vector control
Leah RatnerU.S. Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaContext-Driven Education and Sepsis Bundles for Improved Identification and Management of Pediatric Sepsis in Ghana
Edwin KandaKenya Postdoctoral FellowKenyaMaseno University and School of MedicinePurification systems for water and wastewater treatment plants to remove antibiotics using locally available materials in Western Kenya
Sabella KipronoKenya Postdoctoral FellowKenyaMaseno University and School of MedicineUse of encapsulated probiotics for delivery of bioactive antioxidants from kale (Brassica oleracea L. var acephala)
Aboubacar Alassane OumarMali Postdoctoral FellowMaliUniversity of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of BamakoEvolution of Dolutegravir (DTG) concentrations in breast milk and infants plasma in Mali
Elizabeth AbeNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of IbadanComparative Analysis of Oral Microbiome, Salivary Antimicrobial Proteins and Cytokines Between HIV-Infected and Uninfected Adults in Southwest Nigeria
Tolulope AfolaranmiNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalUse of Photovoice Intervention for Stigma Reduction among HIV Infected Young Men Who Have Sex with Men in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
Yewande BabalolaNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of IbadanVisual function, vision-related quality of life and Human immunodeficiency virus-related neuroretinal disorder (HIV-NRD) in an African subpopulation in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Nanma CosmasNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalPersistent High-Risk HPV Infection, Sexually Transmitted Infections and E6/E7 mRNA expression among HIV Positive Women with Pre-Cervical Cancer in Jos, Nigeria
Yina QuiquePeru Postdoctoral FellowPeruUniversidad Peruana Cayetano HerediaAphasia Rehabilitation in Peru and Colombia: Usual Care, Barriers, and Facilitators of Best-Practice
Sushmita SridharU.S. Postdoctoral FellowPeruUniversidad Peruana Cayetano HerediaPrevalence of antimicrobial resistance genes in sewage water from Peruvian urban centers
Erinn CameronU.S. Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownClimate change and mental health of pregnant women living with HIV in semi-urban western South Africa
Ramadhani ChambusoSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownA Scoring Model with Artificial Intelligence for Lynch Syndrome Screening and Cascade Testing
Judie MaguraSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of KwaZulu NatalCharacterization of the naïve B-cell repertoire and antigen-specific B-cell precursors in a South African population to predict the success of germline-targeting HIV immunogens.
Catherine AtuhaireUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyPerceived Maternal Social Support and postpartum depression among women in public health facilities, southwestern Uganda
Felix BongominUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyUndiagnosed pulmonary aspergillosis as a fatal complication of advanced HIV disease in Uganda: An autopsy-based study
Megan Latoya BartrumU.S. Predoctoral FellowZambiaUniversity of ZambiaBoosting Brains: Motherhood, Care, and Neurodevelopment in Peri-Urban Zambia
Jonathan GwasupikaZambia Postdoctoral FellowZambiaUniversity of ZambiaOutcome of HIV infected children admitted with sepsis at Arthur Davidson Children Hospital in Ndola, Zambia
NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
Gaerolwe MashetoBotswana Postdoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipPost-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC)/‘Long Covid’: Pediatric Observational cohort: Motlhala” Study
Stephen AmoahGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaCocoa impact on circular RNAs, microRNAs, oxidative stress, and brain of LPS- challenged diabetes mellitus rodents
Chris GuureGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaNurses’ attitudes towards bereavement support and its effect on families with perinatal loss in Ghana
Jerry Joe HarrisonGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaStructural and biophysical characterization of HIV-2 reverse transcriptase (RT)-DNA and inhibitor complexes
Daniel Oduro-MensahGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaHIV/AIDS and HIV-associated cancers: Herb-drug interactions and potential CXCR4 antagonists of herbal origin
Frederica ParteyGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaChadox1 Ncov-19 (AZD1222) Vaccine Responses after Mass Immunization in Ghana
Kwabena SarpongGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaReflexive algorithm for the identification of falciparum and non-falciparum and its clinical utility in the diagnosis of malaria in Southern Ghana
Shameka Poetry ThomasU.S. Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaExamining Sickle Cell Disease and Reproductive Health among Young Adult Women and Teen Girls in Ghana, West Africa: A Qualitative Study for Designing an Integrated Care Model
Sarah KituyiKenya Postdoctoral FellowKenyaMaseno University and School of MedicineChaperoning kinases in P. falciparum and the potential as anti-malaria drug targets and diagnostic biomarkers
Antieme Combo Georges TogoMali Postdoctoral FellowMaliUniversity of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of BamakoImmune Interaction between CMV and HIV/TB co-infection in Bamako, Mali
Yewande AdeyemoNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaAminu Kano Teaching HospitalAn Educational Intervention Program to Improve the Oral Health of HIV-Positive Children in Kano, Nigeria
Deborah DaudaU.S. Predoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalSelf-care and healing Practices of Bajju Women with Experiences of Domestic Violence
Olukemi IgeNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalCardiac Abnormalities in HIV-Exposed Neonates in Jos, Nigeria
Barnabas AlayandeRwanda Postdoctoral FellowRwandaUniversity of Global Health EquityThe Rwanda Recent Medical Graduate Safe Surgery Project
Sarah NussU.S. Predoctoral FellowRwandaUniversity of Global Health EquityIncreasing access to pediatric surgical care: Assessing district hospital readiness in Rwanda
Alex ZhuangU.S. Predoctoral FellowRwandaUniversity of Global Health EquityReceptiveness, barriers, and facilitators to a surgical quality improvement program in Rwanda – a pre-implementation mixed methods approach
Zolelwa SifumbaSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of KwaZulu NatalLinkage to care and 2-year outcomes for people with asymptomatic TB and TB/HIV: understanding the experience and care-seeking journey of patients diagnosed during community-based screening in rural KwaZulu-Natal
Virginie MarchandU.S. Predoctoral FellowTanzaniaKilimanjaro Christian Medical CentreA simulation and experiential learning intervention for labor and delivery providers to address HIV stigma during childbirth in Tanzania
Ganga MoorthyU.S. Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaKilimanjaro Christian Medical CentreEvaluating Epidemiology and Biomarkers for Neonatal Bloodstream Infections in Tanzania
Khanh PhamU.S. Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaWeill Bugando Medical CentreEffects of Schistosoma mansoni Inf+C7ection and Praziquantel Treatment on the Immunogenicity of an Interferon-Gamma Release Assay for Latent Tuberculosis: A Prospective Study in Tanzania
Anna TupetzU.S. Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaKilimanjaro Christian Medical CentreAchieving long-term health of hospitalized patients by addressing secondary complications following discharge
Stanley ZimbaZambia Postdoctoral FellowZambiaUniversity of ZambiaClinical Characteristics, Risk Factors and Endothelial Dysfunction in People with HIV and Stroke in Zambia
NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
James WesterU.S. Predoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipQuality of life of breast cancer survivor’s post-mastectomy in Botswana
Bernard AsimengGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaFacile bio-recognition material for rapid detection of cancer tumors
Reuben Ayivor-DjanieGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaGlobal gene expression patterns and genomic targets of Activation-Induced cytidine Deaminase (AID) in P. falciparum-exposed tonsillor geminal center (GC) B cells
Leonard BaatiemaGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaRedesigning health systems for improved health outcomes of people living with NCDs during COVID-19 and future public health emergencies in Ghana
Anushka PatelU.S. Postdoctoral FellowIndiaPublic Health Foundation of IndiaHand-in-hand: Developing and piloting an acute trauma-focused intervention with key informants and community health workers
Claudia MartinezMexico Postdoctoral FellowMexicoInstituto Nacional de Salud PublicaAdolescent dietary intake and early life factors associated with the incidence of non-infection chronic disease
Emmanuel AdebayoNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of IbadanHIV prevention strategies among adolescents: Use of mobile technology to enhance the capacity of teachers to teach Family Life and HIV Education in Nigeria
Isaac AdedejiNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of IbadanDeveloping a cultural framing for Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease Related Dementias caregivers’ training in Africa
Roseline Aderemi-WilliamsNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Lagos and Lagos University Teaching HospitalEvaluating a multi-component stepped care intervention program to improve medication adherence and retention in care among adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria
Hanalise HuffU.S. Postdoctoral FellowPeruUniversidad Peruana Cayetano HerediaNatural History of SARS-CoV-2 in Comparison to the Influenza A virus: Neurologic and Neurocognitive Sequelae
Alison CastleU.S. Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of KwaZulu NatalThe interplay between tuberculosis and glucose intolerance within an HIV-endemic, population-based cohort in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Michael GalvinU.S. Predoctoral FellowSouth AfricaHealth Economics and Epidemiology Research OfficeExamining Perceptions and Experiences of Mental Illness and Treatment by HIV status in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Gauteng, South Africa
Xue Ying (Candice) HwangU.S. Predoctoral FellowSouth AfricaHealth Economics and Epidemiology Research OfficeEvaluating changes in health-seeking behaviors and health outcomes in HIV-positive pregnant women after Option B+ policy implementation in South Africa
Hlengiwe MadlalaSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownInflammation and immune activation in pregnancy: fetal inflammation and maternal obesity
Ann ScheunemannU.S. Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaHealth Economics and Epidemiology Research OfficeCoping strategies employed by public psychiatric healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in southern Gauteng, South Africa
Precious AkanyirigeU.S. Predoctoral FellowTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesFeasibility and Acceptability of Integrating Patient Reported Outcome and Experience Measures into an Outpatient Cardiology Clinic in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Arvin SalehU.S. Predoctoral FellowTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesDepression among Mothers Living with HIV and Its Relationship with Child Growth and Development
Sabri BromageU.S. Postdoctoral FellowThailandMahidol UniversityOperationalizing the Global Diet Quality Score for use in population surveys
Julian AdongUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyA social media intervention to promote antiretroviral therapy adherence among adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Uganda
Rita NassangaUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyDeterminants of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in People With And Without HIV In Uganda
Victoria ShelusFulbright-Fogarty ScholarUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyImproving malaria case management at drug shops in rural western Uganda
Shela SridharU.S. Postdoctoral FellowZambiaZambia Centre for Applied Health Research and DevelopmentImpact of Covid-19 on Drivers of Food Security and Malnutrition in Peri-Urban Zambia
NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
GM Rabiul IslamBangladesh Postdoctoral FellowBangladeshICDDR,BChildhood exposure to multiple toxic heavy metals, iron supplementation and child intelligence quotient development in Bangladesh.
Maya Jackson-GibsonU.S. Predoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipEvaluation of risk factors associated with HIV maternal to fetal transmission rate in the current era of antiretroviral therapy.
Catherine KoofhethileBotswana Postdoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipAssessment of inducible proviral reservoir in HIV-1C infected individuals on long-term ART in Botswana
Kaelo SeatlaBotswana Postdoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipValidation and implementation of a low-cost integrase inhibitor HIV-1 drug resistance assay, Botswana
Kwabena Kan-DapaahGhana Postdoctoral FellowGhanaUniversity of GhanaDevelopment of a multimodal nanocomposite applicator for the treatment of deep tumors: a feasibility study
Anou SomboroMali Postdoctoral FellowMaliUniversity of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of BamakoImpact of HIV and Tuberculosis Co-infection on Host Microbiome
Thomas DiehlU.S. Postdoctoral FellowRwandaUniversity of Global Health EquityAdvancing neonatal surgical care in Rwanda: A prospective cohort analysis of neonatal surgical outcomes in Kigali, Rwanda
Parsa ErfaniU.S. Predoctoral FellowRwandaUniversity of Global Health EquityImplementation of GeneXpert Breast Cancer Diagnostics in Rural Rwanda
Dominique EugeneU.S. Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownThe prevalence of women perpetrators of intimate relationship violence who have a history of childhood maltreatment and/or suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Paschal RuggajoTanzania Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesChronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and HIV/AIDS: Prevalence, Predictors and Outcomes in Tanzania as a proxy for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region
Prossy BibangambahUganda Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologyPrevalence and correlates of fatty liver disease among PLWH in rural Uganda
Megan HarperU.S. Predoctoral FellowZambiaZambia Centre for Applied Health Research and DevelopmentHearing loss in a cohort of Zambian 6-day old infants exposed congenitally to CMV
NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
Varsha DhurdeIndia Postdoctoral FellowIndiaLata Medical Research FoundationEstimation of prevalence of anemia and coverage of adolescent anemia control programs among girls aged 15-19 years in Nagpur District, India
Nikhil VenkateshmurthyIndia Postdoctoral FellowIndiaPublic Health Foundation of IndiaBeginning with the end in mind: Assessment of context and factors crucial for scale-up of an innovative strategy to address hypertension and diabetes in India
Angela AchiengKenya Postdoctoral FellowKenyaCentre for Global Health ResearchTargeting the LAIR1 pathway for development of novel therapeutics in pediatric severe malarial anemia
Olanrewaju OladimejiNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalDrug resistant tuberculosis treatment outcome and transmission risk among patients with and without HIV infection in Nigeria (DR-TB RISK STUDY)
Roxanna GarciaU.S. Postdoctoral FellowPeruUniversidad Peruana Cayetano HerediaEvaluating the Neurosurgical Capacity for Traumatic Brain Injury in Peru, a Mixed-Methods Proposal
Elizabeth LouisU.S. Postdoctoral FellowRwandaUniversity of Global Health EquityExpanding Community Health Workers and Nontraditional gatekeepers in mental health settings in Rwanda
Cheryl HendricksonU.S. Predoctoral FellowSouth AfricaHealth Economics and Epidemiology Research OfficeFeasibility and choice determinants of PrEP delivery among a cohort of university students in South Africa in order to predict national cost and uptake of PrEP services in this setting
Andrew KimU.S. Predoctoral FellowSouth AfricaHealth Economics and Epidemiology Research OfficeBiological memories of apartheid: Intergenerational effects of apartheid-based prenatal stress on HPA axis function and mental health in Soweto, South Africa
Joshua MurphyU.S. Predoctoral FellowSouth AfricaHealth Economics and Epidemiology Research OfficeMatching Patient Records Across Non-Networked Databases to Determine Loss to Care and Patterns of Patient Mobility at Facilities in the Public Sector HIV Program in Johannesburg, South Africa
Caleb FiggeU.S. Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesDesign and validation of contextually-sensitive trauma, posttraumatic stress, and health assessments for trauma-affected Tanzanian youth.
Pooja ChitneniU.S. Postdoctoral FellowUgandaMbarara University of Science and TechnologySTI prevalence and partner notification practices among MLWH in rural southwestern Uganda
NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
Alida GertzU.S. Postdoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipTowards optimizing pregnancy planning and prevention in the context of HIV
Katrin SadighU.S. Postdoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipHIV and Anthracycline-Induced Cardiomyopathy in Women with Breast Cancer
Amare Worku TadesseEthiopia Postdoctoral FellowEthiopiaAddis Continental Institute of Public HealthAnemia among women of reproductive age and children in rural Ethiopia: Associations with socio-economic determinants and food consumption
Samuel AnyonaKenya Postdoctoral FellowKenyaCentre for Global Health ResearchUbiquitin-Proteasome System Gene Expression Profiles in Kenyan Children Presenting with P. falciparum Severe Malaria Anemia
Martina LaidemittU.S. Postdoctoral FellowKenyaCentre for Global Health ResearchThe implications of thermal stress on field populations of schistosomiasis intermediate hosts
Tessa LecuyerU.S. Postdoctoral FellowKenyaCentre for Global Health ResearchDetermining Environmental Point-Sources of Bacteremia in Human Populations with and without HIV/AIDS in a Malaria Holoendemic Region of Kenya
Elly MundeKenya Postdoctoral FellowKenyaCentre for Global Health ResearchRole of microRNA (mir)-186 and hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1A in conditioning P. falciparum-induced severe malarial anemia in Kenyan children
Evans RaballahKenya Postdoctoral FellowKenyaCentre for Global Health ResearchRole of Complement C3 Genetic Variation in Conditioning Susceptibility to Severe Malarial Anemia in Kenyan Children
Brehima DiakiteMali Postdoctoral FellowMaliUniversity of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of BamakoGenetics and Epigenetics of Breast Cancer in Mali
Isaac AbahNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalEffect of cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) single nucleotide polymorphism on the safety and effectiveness of efavirenz in HIV-1 infected Nigerians
Saheed LawalNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of IbadanExploring community engagement approaches for mental health care delivery in Nigeria: A qualitative study
Kehinde OkunadeNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Lagos and Lagos University Teaching HospitalRandomized, Double blind, placebo-controlled trial of selenium supplementations among HIV-infected pregnant women in Lagos,Nigeria: Effects on Pregnancy
Kristina KorteU.S. Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownThe Neural Circuitry of PTSD in South Africa: A Cultural Feasibility and Acceptability Study
Ester MzilangweTanzania Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesMagnitude of mental health problems, barriers and facilitators for access to mental health services among pregnant and parenting adolescents in Tanzania
Jason ParkU.S. Predoctoral FellowZambiaZambia Centre for Applied Health Research and DevelopmentImproving Primary Care Level Labor and Delivery Service Infection Control
NamePositionCountryResearch SiteProject Title
Sikhulile MoyoBotswana Postdoctoral FellowBotswanaBotswana Harvard Health PartnershipViral Diversity an Innovative Biomarker for Refining Estimates of HIV Incidence
Anubha AgarwalU.S. Postdoctoral FellowIndiaPublic Health Foundation of IndiaHeart Failure Quality Improvement in Kerala, India
Sang Gune (Kyle) YooU.S. Predoctoral FellowIndiaPublic Health Foundation of IndiaHospital Administration and Management in Improving
Cardiovascular Healthcare Quality and Safety in India: A
Mixed Methods Proposal
Joseph Anejo-OkopiNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalMolecular characterization of hepatitis B virus genotypes, drug resistance mutations and determination of serum microRNA-122 associated with liver cancer among HIV/HBV chronic hepatitis B mono-infected patients in Jos, Nigeria
Mark OkoloNigeria Postdoctoral FellowNigeriaUniversity of Jos and Jos University Teaching HospitalMolecular Characterization of agents of Cryptococcal meningitis in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients in Jos, North-Central Nigeria.
Katherine AntelSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownFactors impacting lymphoma diagnosis and outcome in a high endemic HIV and TB setting: Working towards a cascade of care for lymphoma in Southern Africa
Bongiwe NdlovuSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of KwaZulu NatalThe role of antibody-mediated Immune Effector functions in acute/ early chronic HIV-1 Subtype C Infection
Tom BoylesSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownIntensified tuberculosis case finding among HIV-infected persons using a WHO symptom screen, point-of-care tests and Xpert Ultra
Itai MagodoroSouth Africa Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownLeft Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Adolescents and Young Adults Growing up with HIV Infection in Cape Town, South Africa
Sonny PatelU.S. Postdoctoral FellowSouth AfricaUniversity of Cape TownEvaluating the current levels of social capital and social support among households in 10 South African districts
Fileuka Cyprian NgakongwaTanzania Postdoctoral FellowTanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied SciencesImpact of psychosocial interventions during transition periods of adolescent to adulthood in improving psychological well-being of the vulnerable children as one measure for reducing burden, prevention of high risk behaviours and overall improving quality of life
Daria NikolaevaU.S. Postdoctoral FellowThailandMahidol UniversityUsing malaria parasite from patient’s blood to study Transcriptomes and Proteomes of Plasmodium vivax
Cephas SialubanjeZambia Postdoctoral FellowZambiaZambia Centre for Applied Health Research and DevelopmentAssociation between maternity waiting homes (MWHs) and antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC) service utilisation rates in Zambia