Robert Dobie, MD, FACS
Clinical Professor
University of California, Davis
Dr. Dobie has held the title of Clinical Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, University of California at Davis, Sacramento, CA since 2003. For four years prior to that he held the post of Director, Division of Extramural Research, NIDCD, Bethesda, MD. His training includes a B.A. from Stanford in biology and an M.D. degree plus a surgical internship and a residency in otolaryngology at Stanford.
Dr. Dobie’s research spans a broad spectrum from the efficacy of hearing aid circuits to multiple studies related to the use of audiograms for “estimating permanent threshold shifts,” and for determining if hearing loss is noise-induced. His work on tinnitus includes topics such as “randomized clinical trials in tinnitus” and “depression and tinnitus.” Dizziness, possible vestibulotoxic effects of gentamicin therapy, posturography, and a comparative study of cochlear implants round-out his research efforts.