Patrick Mulligan, MS
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Patrick Mulligan has been employed by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection in the Radiation Protection and Release Prevention Program since 1992. Currently, he is the Manager of the Bureau of Nuclear Engineering (BNE) and is responsible for the daily operations of the program. The BNE works closely with the NRC and staff engineers participate on all site inspections providing insight and feedback on plant safety from the state perspective. The BNE's Nuclear Environmental Section maintains a comprehensive Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and provides an independent assessment of the environmental impact of nuclear power operations in the state. The BNE's Nuclear Threat Response Section is responsible for the overall maintenance and operation of the Continuous Radiological Environmental Surveillance and Telemetry System (CREST). That system provides minute by minute radiological data in the area around the nuclear generating stations in the state. The NTRS is the lead for the DEP's Threat Response Plan and provides support for issues related to transportation of highway route controlled quantities of radioactive materials and issues related to security of radioactive shipments. The Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Section is responsible for the overall coordination of the DEP's role in the NJ Radiological Emergency Response Plan. In his employment with the State, Pat has supervised the Nuclear Threat Response Section Plan and worked for many years in the Emergency Preparedness Section.
Pat earned an Associate of Science Degree in Radiological Technology and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiation Physics from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He also earned a Master of Science Degree from the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Environmental Policy graduating with highest honors. Prior to his state employment, Pat served as a member of the Fairleigh Dickinson University faculty, teaching courses in Biomedical Ethics, Radiation Physics, and Radiographic Anatomy. Pat is currently the Chair of the Council of Radiation Program Director’s (CRCPD) Committee on Emergency Response Planning (HS/ER-5).
In 2006 and 2010, Mr. Mulligan received the CRCPD's Board of Directors Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Radiation Protection. In 2003 and 2011, Mr. Mulligan received the CRCPD's Board of Directors Award for Meritorious Service in the Field of Radiation Protection. In 1999, Pat received the Governor’s Award for Outstanding Service for his efforts in the response to Hurricane Floyd. In 1998, he served as a Lead Planner and Technical Advisor in the development, planning, coordination, and control of the 1998 Salem NGS Ingestion Pathway Exercise. Pat is recognized for his contributions to the success of the exercise in NUREG-1670, a document written by the NRC recounting the lessons learned from the exercise. Mr. Mulligan continues to serve as an advisor to several federal committees working on reviewing and revising regulation and guidance for REP programs.