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Nicholas M. Panzarino, MS, CHP

Certified Health Physicist
Dade Moeller


Mr. Panzarino holds a BS degree in Nuclear Engineering from New York University and an MS degree in Environmental Health from the Harvard University School of Public Health. Mr. Panzarino has more than 30 years of experience conducting and managing radiological, safety, and environmental protection programs. He has worked in radiation protection programs at Harvard University, the University’s affiliated teaching hospitals, nuclear power reactors and a laboratory performing environmental monitoring and characterization of radioactive waste for nuclear power reactors. At the laboratory he also managed an accredited dosimeter processing service. As a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspector, Mr. Panzarino audited byproduct material and nuclear power reactor radiation protection programs. He also developed audit checklists, procedures and manuals for radiation protection programs, air sampling, respiratory protection, bioassay, and radioactive material receipt and shipment. Mr. Panzarino is currently a member of the ORAU/NIOSH team performing dose reconstructions in support of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act.