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Mary Lee Chin, MS, RD


MARY LEE CHIN, MS, RD speaks to audiences on significant food issues and trends. She specializes
in some of the most contentious food topics, including agricultural sustainability and
agricultural co-existence, helping translate research into credible recommendations while
respecting individual food philosophies. She is consulted by local and national media, working
to clarify news about nutrition issues and countering myths and misinformation, and provides
platform, communications and media training for health professionals. Mary Lee was one of the
original national spokespersons for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). Born to
immigrant parents from rural China, and listening to family stories handed down from mother
to daughter, Mary Lee gained a respect for how culture and tradition add meaning,
appreciation and enjoyment to the simplest meals. She has used her nutrition training to adapt
Chinese traditional dishes to healthier renditions. Mary Lee helped create the Colorado Dragon
Boat Festival, which attracts 120,000 spectators and utilizes dragon boat racing as a vehicle to
showcase Asia culture. She developed the “Taste of Asia” ethnically diverse food area at the
festival which delights palates with dishes ranging from Korean Galbi Salad to Thai “Monkey
Balls.” Recognizing the food of Asian immigrants gradually changes as people become
acculturated in their new society, Mary Lee provides nutrition classes for newly arrived Asian
immigrants. She emphasizes the healthful aspects of traditional cuisines and the judicious
incorporation of new foods to develop the healthy Asian American kitchen. (Denver, CO)