Lorenz Rhomberg, ATS, PhD
Lorenz Rhomberg is a Principal at Gradient, an environmental consulting firm in Boston, MA. He is nationally recognized for contributions to methodology and science policy in human health risk assessment, especially in the areas of animal-to-human extrapolation of toxic effects, and weight-of-evidence analysis. On behalf of the public and private sectors, he has conducted and published dose-response analyses for a number of high-profile risk assessments of industrial chemicals (including methylene chloride, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and ethylene oxide) in which novel analytical approaches are addressed to revise national-level environmental exposure standards. He has served on seven panels convened by the National Academy of Sciences. He is a fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences and was named Outstanding Practitioner of the Year by the Society for Risk Analysis in 2009 and was awarded the 2017 Arnold V. Lehman Award by the Society of Toxicology. Dr. Rhomberg is the author or editor of several books and more than 60 articles on risk analysis topics. Before coming to Gradient, he spent 10 years as a risk assessor at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, followed by 5 years on the faculty of Harvard School of Public Health, conducting research and teaching risk assessment and regulatory toxicology. He earned his Ph.D. in population biology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and his B.Sc. in biology from Queen's University in Ontario.