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Kathy McManus, MS, RD

Director, Department of Nutrition
Brigham and Women's Hospital


KATHY MCMANUS, MS, RD, LDN, is Director of the Department of Nutrition at the Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School in Boston. In addition she is
the Director of Nutrition and Behavior Modification Programs for the Program for Weight
Management at the Brigham and recently served as a Co-Investigator on an NIH funded obesity
study, POUNDS (Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies) Lost. Ms McManus has
been involved with a number of research trials during her years at the Brigham including
Manager of the Nutrition component for the Harvard Atherosclerosis Reversibility Study and
the Director of the Nutrition program for the Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) study, a
cholesterol lowering trial involving 82 sites and more than 4000 patients in both Canada and
the US along with the POUNDS Lost trial. Ms. McManus has presented her research nationally
and internationally including China, Japan, Crete, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and the United
Kingdom. Ms. McManus has numerous publications and book chapters including co-authoring a
chapter in the 2007 addition of Cardiovascular Therapeutics. She has co-authored various lay
publications including Healing Gourmet's Eat to Fight Cancer. Recently she was a co-author on
an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine for her work on the Pounds Lost
Study. This study was a multi-centered trial of two years duration examining four different diets
differing in macronutrient, but controlled in energy. Ms. McManus serves on a number of
leadership committees including the Brigham and Women's Hospital Women's Health Center's
Medical Leadership Committee, the Diabetes Advisory Committee, and the Obesity Research
Committee. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American
Dietetic Association) and the American Heart Association. (Boston, MA)