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John D. Kinneman, MS, CHP

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)


John Kinneman received his Bachelor of Arts degree in biochemistry from Rutgers University in 1971 and did graduate work in health physics at Rutgers from 1973 to 1975.

Mr. Kinneman worked for E.R. Squibb & Sons in New Brunswick, New Jersey, as a supervisor in the Radiopharmaceutical Quality Control Department for several years before joining the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 1975. From 1975 until 1980, Mr. Kinneman was assigned as a radiation specialist and inspected a variety of NRC licensees. Since 1980 he has supervised NRC technical staff performing the inspection and licensing of facilities using a variety of radioactive materials.

For a number of years he was assigned responsibility for large decommissioning projects. Following 2001 he has been assigned to licensing and inspection responsibilities for security of radioactive material and safety at users of large amounts of radioactive material (radiographers and large irradiators). In October 2006 he was assigned as Deputy Director of the Division responsible for the inspection and licensing of Radioactive Materials licensees in NRC Region I.

Mr. Kinneman received Comprehensive Certification by the American Board of Health Physics in 1982.