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Jean McGuire, PhD

Assistant Secretary for Disability Policy and Programs
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS)


Dr. McGuire brings a 30-year history of work in public health, disability and long term care program development, administration, and financing. In her current role, she oversees six disability agencies' and co-leads the Commonwealth’s long term care efforts with the Secretary of Elder Affairs and the state’s Medicaid Director.

Dr. McGuire came to EOHHS from Northeastern University, where she served as Senior Clinical Professor at the Bouve College of Health Sciences. Her early work was in the field of developmental disabilities; she worked in special education and subsequently developed adult rehabilitation, housing and social services. Later work included substance, mental health and elder services development. For the last two decades she has been a national leader in HIV prevention and care and served a tenure as Assistant Commissioner for the state’s Public Health Department.

Dr. McGuire received her Ph.D. from the Heller School at Brandeis and her MSPH from Harvard School of Public Health.