David H. Wegman, MD, MPH
Professor, Emeritus
University of Massachusetts Lowell
David H. Wegman is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He served as Dean of the School of Health and Environment from 2003-2008, a position he assumed after 16 years as Professor and founding Chair of the Department of Work Environment. He also serves as Adjunct Professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He received his BA from Swarthmore College, his MD and MSc from Harvard University and is Board Certified in Preventive Medicine (Occupational Medicine) as well as a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology. Previously he served as Director of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Health at the UCLA School of Public Health and on the faculty of the Harvard School of Public Health.
Dr. Wegman has focused his research on epidemiologic studies of occupational respiratory disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and cancer as well as studies in occupational surveillance and policy and has published over 200 articles in the scientific literature. Dr. Wegman is a National Associate of the National Academy of Science and served as chair of the National Research Council – Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committees on Health and Safety Needs of Older Workers, the Health and Safety Consequences of Child Labor, the Framework Committee for Review of NIOSH Research Programs, the Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care and External Evaluation of the National Institute Disability and Rehabilitation Research, and its Grantees. He has also been a member of the NRC-IOM Panel on Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work, the IOM Committees to Review the Health Consequences of Service During the Persian Gulf War and to Review Gender Differences in Susceptibility to Environmental Factors, and to Review the NIOSH Respiratory Disease Research Program. He was recently named a member of the National Academies standing Committee on Human Systems Integration. In 2006, in response to a request initiated by the Swedish Parliament, he was appointed chair of the International Evaluation Group for an analysis of Occupational Health Research in Sweden.
Dr. Wegman’s government service has included Chair of the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration's Advisory Committee on the Elimination of Pneumoconiosis Among Coal Mine Workers, member of the OSHA Standards Advisory Committee on Metal Working Fluids, and member of the Board of Scientific Advisors for the National Toxicology Program, the Board of Scientific Counselors for NIOSH and the Scientific Advisory Board of EPA. He has served as an officer in several professional associations including the International Epidemiological Association, the International Commission on Occupational Health, and the American Public Health Association.