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David Forster, JD, MA, CIP

Chief Compliance Officer
WIRB-Copernicus Group IRB


Mr. Forster joined Western IRB (WIRB) in 1996 and is currently the chief compliance officer for the five IRBs in the WIRB-Copernicus Group (WCG).

Mr. Forster co-chairs the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP) Sub-Committee on Harmonization. He previously served a four-year term as a member of SACHRP, and was previously a member of the SACHRP Sub-Committee on Inclusion of Individuals with Impaired Decision-Making in Research. He also served on the World Health Organization Quality Management and Evaluation Advisory Committee.

A strong advocate for human subject protections, Mr. Forster also serves on the Certified IRB Professional Council, and plays an active role in the Harvard Multiregional Clinical Trials Work Group.

Mr. Forster has a law degree and a Masters in Medical Ethics from the University of Washington.