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Alan P. Nelson

Director, Emergency Preparedness
Nuclear Energy Institute


Alan P. Nelson is the Director of Emergency Preparedness in the Nuclear Generation Division of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), located in Washington, DC./p>

NEI is the organization of the commercial nuclear power industry that is responsible for coordinating the combined efforts of nuclear utilities and other nuclear industry organizations in all matters involving generic operational and technical regulatory issues. NEI serves as the industry’s principal mechanism for conveying industry’s views, concerns, and policies to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other government agencies, as appropriate. Mr. Nelson is responsible for all issues relating to emergency planning and preparedness.

Mr. Nelson graduated magna cum laude from Manhattan College with a B.S. degree in radiological and health sciences. He is a guest lecturer at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Mr. Nelson has more than 40 years experience in the nuclear industry developing and implementing emergency response programs including Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, New York Power Authority, Long Island Lighting Company, and Consolidated Edison Company. He has been with NEI since 1988 and his experience includes license renewal, dry cask storage, and decommissioning. Since 9/11 he has focused primarily on emergency preparedness and security related issues. Major accomplishments include: NRC endorsement of operating and security emergency action levels; protective action recommendations; award winning publication of Protecting Our Neighbors in the Event of an Emergency; industry emergency preparedness training program; and EP/security event exercises guidelines.