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Adam Wright, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School

Senior Scientist
Brigham and Women's Hospital/EH&E


Adam Wright is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard and a Senior Scientist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital.  Dr. Wright's research focuses on making electronic health records (EHRs) safer and more effective through better design, improved clinical decision support (CDS) and harnessing clinical data to drive a learning healthcare system.  He currently leads two NIH-funded research projects: one focused on using CDS to improve clinical problem lists and the other focused on using statistical anomaly detection methods to make CDS more reliable and effective.  He has previously led studies on service-oriented CDS, how CDS can reduce malpractice risk and how novel visualization and summarization methods can make EHRs easier to use.  In addition to his research, Dr. Wright teaches Harvard's introductory biomedical informatics courses, and also teaches first medical students.  He has a PhD in biomedical informatics from Oregon Health and Science University and a BS in mathematical and computational sciences from Stanford.